At a distance of 34 Kms from Kanyakumari (14 km from Nagercoil city), The Udayagiri Fort was rebuilt within the reign of Marthandavarma, the Venad King throughout 1741-44 beneath the supervision of De Lannoy, the Belgian Normal.

East India Firm’s troops had been stationed there until the center of the 19th century. Foundry for the manufacture of weapons, mortars and cannon balls had been additionally established inside the fort beneath the supervision of the Normal.

Within the early days, the fort was of strategic significance. Prisoners captured within the marketing campaign towards Tippu had been confined on this fort for someday. It’s additional mentioned {that a} brass gun 16 ft. lengthy bored as a 22 ponder, discovered within the fort couldn’t be eliminated even for a couple of yards by a lot of folks, even with the assistance of 16 elephants.

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