Maniyarayile Ashokan is an upcoming Malayalam comedy-drama directed by Shamzu Zayba and the story written by Magesh Boji & Vineeth Krishnan. Produced by Dulquer Salmaan below Wayfarer Movies banner. The film options Jacob Gregory, Anu Sithara, Nikhila Vimal, Anupama Parameswaran, Dulquer Salmaan within the vital roles. Music composer Shreehari Ok Nair takes care of songs and background rating for the comedy-drama.
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Director | Shamzu Zayba |
Producer | Dulquer Salman |
Screenplay | Magesh Boji & Vineeth Krishnan |
Style | Comedy Drama |
Story | Magesh Boji & Vineeth Krishnan |
Starring | Jacob Gregory, Anu Sithara, Nikhila Vimal, Anupama Parameswaran, Dulquer Salmaan |
Music | Shreehari Ok Nair |
Cinematographer | Sajad Kakku |
Editor | Appu N Bhattathiri |
Manufacturing Firm | Wayfarer Movies |
Release date | 2020 |
Language | Malayalam |
Maniyarayile Ashokan Movie Cast
Maniyarayile Ashokan Malayalam Movie Teaser
Maniyarayile Ashokan Movie Trailer
Maniyarayile Ashokan Movie Songs
Maniyarayile Ashokan Movie Poster