Priya Prakash Varrier is an upcoming Indian film Actress who presently works in Malayalam film Commerce. Priya Prakash is making her debut throughout the Malayalam movie ‘Oru Adaar Love‘, and she has stolen everyone’s coronary coronary heart in a single day with merely her wink. In a small clip of the monitor Manikya Malaraya Poovi, she is expressing her affection in path of her boyfriends collectively together with her facial expressions in a crowded auditorium. Audiences are all praises for the music and the performances of debut actors that features throughout the monitor. Check out underneath for Priya Prakash Varrier Wiki, Biography, Age, Husband, Films, Images and More.
Priya Prakash Varrier Profile and Occupation
Priya Prakash was born and bought up in Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala, India. She is pursuing a B. Com. diploma at Vimala College, Thrissur. She was professionally educated in Mohiniyattam. Priya Prakash acted in three transient motion pictures and now she acquired a risk to behave throughout the movie “Oru Adaar Love” which is directed by Omar Lulu. The movie Oru Adaar love tells the story of plus two faculty college students starring a bunch of newcomers. Director Omar Lulu launched the observe of the monitor Manikya Malaraya Poovi, composed by Shaan Rahman and sung by Vineet Sreenivasan, turned viral on YouTube inside few hours of its launch.
The debutante actress Priya Prakash Varrier has gained a million hearts already collectively together with her expressions and smile. Ahead of Valentine’s Day, youngsters have shared the video on all social media platforms. Priya Prakash turned an net sensation in a single day through Fb, Instagram, and Twitter, Moreover on Whatsapp tales after the discharge of the monitor Manikya Malaraya Poovi.
Priya Prakash Varrier Biography
Name | Priya Prakash |
Priya Prakash Varrier Real Name | Priya Prakash Varrier |
Nickname | Priya |
Occupation | Indian Movie Actress |
Date of Birth | 28 October 1999 |
Age | 23 |
Father Name | Prakash Varrier |
Mother Name | Preeta Prakash Varrier |
Peak | 5’3″ |
Weight | 53 |
Zodiac Sign / Photo voltaic Sign | Scorpio |
Religion | Hinduism |
Educational Qualification | B.Com |
Hobbies | Singing, Dancing, Learning Books |
Hometown | Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala, India. |
Nationality | Indian |
Married | No |
Priya Prakash Varrier Husband Name | Yet to be updated |
Current City | Punkunnam, Thrissur, Kerala, India. |
Priya Prakash Varrier Social Profile’s
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Priya Prakash Varrier Images
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