Redrum is an upcoming Tamil movie written and directed by Vikram Shreedharan. Jointly produced by C. P. Ganesh, Sundar A under Timeline Cinemas banner, Redrum Kollywood movie features Ashok Selvan, Samyuktha Hornad in the lead role. Music director Vishal Chandrasekhar composed songs and background score for this movie. Kugan S Palani and Prasanna GK are the cinematographer and editor of this movie respectively.

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Director Vikram Shreedharan
Screenplay Vikram Shreedharan
Genre Yet to be announced
Story Vikram Shreedharan
Starring Ashok Selvan, Samyuktha Hornad
Music Vishal Chandrasekhar
Cinematographer Kugan S Palani
Editor Prasanna GK
Production Company Timeline Cinemas
Release date Yet to be Announced
Language Tamil

Redrum Movie Cast

Redrum Movie Teaser

Redrum Movie Trailer

Redrum Tamil Movie Songs

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